Brandan Davies, the criminal defense and
DUI defense lawyer for the firm has successfully completed training per the National Highway and Safety Administration's curriculum to administer and score the Standard Field Sobriety Tests. Mr. Davies has been through the exact same training that an officer would receive. After receiving the extensive training Mr. Davies stated, "These tests are complicated and difficult to perform. They are so complicated that the officers charged with giving the instructions on how to complete the test will more often than not, incorrectly instruct the person who is taking the test on how to perform it. Secondly, the officers will often misinterpret the results and incorrectly score a person performing the tests." "Having an advanced knowledge of how officers administer and score these test will but a
DUI Defense lawyer at superior position when critiquing an officer during cross examination, as well as, drafting a motion to suppress."
If you or a loved one has been charged with a DUI in Kansas and need the help of an experienced criminal defense lawyer contact our office today.