The Mayor himself came down to the scene of the fire and did a short walk through. He stressed that the primary focuse in the immediate future would be to find the missing worker who was seen at the restaurant shortly before the blast.
Friends that live close by the plaza took photos and made calls to loved ones confirming that they were all right. The blast was heard and felt for quite a distance from where it originated. One friend texted, saying that the blast was so loud and for forceful, "it felt like a car ran into our house from the explosion."
Below are the pictures that friends of mine took from the aftermath. Which had most people in the neighborhood wondering what was going on and if their homes were in danger.
If you were seriously injured in an accident like this you need to obtain an experienced personal injury lawyer to investigate the facts and determine whom is at fault. If you or a loved one find themselves in need of an experienced personal injury lawyer please contact the attorneys of Copley Roth and Wilson LLC. Our firm has extensive experience handling personal injury and wrongful death claims and is here to compassionately assist you in your time of need. If you, a loved one, or a family member has suffered the devastating , and oftentimes tragic consequences of a car accident, please do not hesitate to contact Copley Roth and Wilson, LLC (913-451-9500) to address any questions or concerns you may have. The initial consultation(s) telephone and in person, are always free.

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